2025/26 學年幼兒班入學申請注意事項

  1. 索取申請表格方法:親臨本校索取或按此下載 (不設申請表限額)
  2. 派發申請表格:
    1. 日期:2024年 9月2日至 2024年 9月 30日
    2. 時間:星期一至星期五 (上午11時至下午5時)
  3. 遞交申請表格:

    1. 日期:2024年 9月2日至 2024年 9 月 30日
    2. 時間:星期一至星期五 (上午11時至下午5時)
    3. 遞交方法:親臨本校遞交,並須連同出生證明書及針咭正本及副本、相片1張、報名費港幣40元。
  4. 收生準則:
    1. 面見表現
    2. 申請人的兄弟姊妹正在本校就讀,獲優先考慮
    3. 申請人有家庭需要者,獲優先考慮
  5. 面見安排:
    1. 本校安排面見所有申請入讀幼兒班的兒童
    2. 面見於 2024年11月2日(星期六)進行,本校會另函通知家長
    3. 以小組形式面見
    4. 家長須陪同兒童參與面見
    5. 非華語兒童家長如需要翻譯或詮釋服務,請聯絡學校,電話查詢號碼:23893179 / 23439505 或電郵地址:ktlsak@ktlk.corp.com.hk
  6. 取錄結果公布:本校將於 2024年 12 月 13 日前,以郵遞方式通知家長幼兒班取錄結果
  7. 註冊安排:
    1. 正選生:家長須於2025年1月2日至4日(「統一註冊日期」)到本校辦理註冊手續,並須提交「2025/26註冊證」正本及繳交註冊費。
    2. 備取生:本校會用郵遞方式通知家長,請家長於指定日期到本校辦理註冊手續,並須提交「2025/26註冊證」正本及繳交註冊費。
    3. 家長請留意,如未能在指定的註冊日期提交有效的註冊證,本校將不能為獲取錄兒童完成手續,因此家長務必於指定日期內向教育局申請相關註冊證。
    4. 2025/2026學年的註冊費為港幣1000元正,如果有關兒童入讀本校,本校會於9月退回註冊費。
    5. 如果家長註冊後需要轉校,請以書面通知本校。本校將退回註冊文件,但註冊費將不獲退還。

Information on Admission to K1 Classes in the 2025/26

  1. Collection of Application Forms(No quota): Obtain from school in Person
  2. Distribution Period and Return of Application Forms(No quota)
    1. Date: 2/9/2024 to 30/9/2024
    2. Time: 11:00am - 5:00pm (Monday to Friday)
  3. Submission Of the Application Form
    1. In person at the kindergarten
    2. Return it with the original documents (including identity document, needle card, one passport-size photo)
    3. Application fee:HK$40 (to be collected with the application form). The application fee is non-refundable whether the application is successful or not.
  4. Admission Criteria
    1. Performance of applicants on the day of the interview.
    2. The applicant with sibling currently studying in the kindergarten will be given due priority consideration.
    3. Applicant from families in need will be given priority consideration when applying for whole day (As the number of school places is limited, please understand that not all applicants fulfilling the priority consideration will be guaranteed a school place.)
  5. Interview Arrangements
    1. The kindergarten will arrange interviews for all applicants
    2. Interviews will be conducted on 2 November 2024 (Saturday)
    3. Group interviews will be arranged
    4. Parents should accompany their child for the interview
    5. For NCS parents please contact us by telephone number 23893179 / 23439505 or
      email: ktlsak@ktlk.corp.com.hk if interpretation / translation service if required
  6. Announcement of Admission Results
    We will inform parents of the K1 admission results before 13 December 2024 by post.
  7. Registration Arrangements
    1. Successful applicants: Parents should complete the registration procedures for their child from 2 to 4 January 2025(“Centralised Registration Dates”) by submitting the original of the “2025/26 RC” to the kindergarten and paying the registration fee.
    2. Applicants on the waiting list will be contacted by post: Parents should complete the registration procedures for their child according to the specified date set by the school. Parents are required to submit the original the “2025/26RC” to the kindergarten and pay the registration fee.
    3. Please be reminded that if parents cannot submit the “2025/26RC” during registration, the kindergarten may not be able to complete registration for their child. Hence, parents are required to submit application for the Registration Certificate to EDB within the specified period.
    4. The registration fee for 2025/26 K1 place is HK$1000. If the child enters the school, the registration fee will be refunded in September.
    5. Should parents decide to give up the place after registration, please notify the kindergarten in writing. The kindergarten will return the “2025/26 RC” but the registration fee will not be refunded.
地址 : 九龍牛頭角道馬蹄徑2號地下至一樓
電話 : 23893179     傳真 : 23040501     電郵 : ktlsak@ktlk.corp.com.hk
Tel. : 23893179     Fax : 23040501     E Mail : ktlsak@ktlk.corp.com.hk
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